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A D'Onofrio

Friends of KTS Buy New Kit for NK

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

All smiles at KTS Towers

Student website, KTS NewsKnight, was given an incredible donation from Friends of KTS to purchase much needed kit, writes A D'Onofrio

Many NewsKnight fans had commented on focus issues and sound issues. A brand-new professional, 4K camera will ensure the website produces incredibly clear pictures. NK’s Joshua Farrow was hugely impressed with the sound quality of new wire-less mics. “I can’t believe how clear the sound,” commented Joshua while filming the head prefects. “It’s amazing – such an improvement on the old mics!”

Staff coordinator, Mr McDermott, looked to the future. “This equipment will help build KTS NewsKnight. I have some exciting plans to link the website and Youtube channel to institutions like Screen Skills and Get Into Film. We have a history of getting students into top media jobs. For instance, @Billbowkett who now works for the Daily Mail but the first job on his Linkedin was KTS NewsKnight. The future’s really bright thanks to Friends of KTS!”

Louis, who commonly uses the camera, expressed his enjoyment and pleasure with the new equipment: ’’I’m really happy that this new camera is able to take higher quality pictures so more people will enjoy looking at them. This is an excellent improvement from the old cameras.’’

With the new camera comes amazing features. One of many features of this camera is the sound recording. This may seem basic, as all cameras have this feature. But, unlike other cameras, this camera practically blocks all unwanted sound and heightens the audio quality like no other camera. With this new kit the future's bright for Baldock's favourite student website.

The team cannot wait to experiment and learn with this new equipment they’ve been so generously given!

With help from Mr McDermott Photo: J McLeod


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